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All Listings
11662 AR-95 W, , , , 72141

Aaron Lodge #4 is in the original Lodge building for Scotland Arkansas. Originally the building was shared by the Freemasons and Odd Fellows with the Freemason Lodge meeting in the upstairs. The Odd Fellows Lodge dissolved but was still owned by the Odd Fellows. After the lodge dissolved and the Freemasons built their own individual lodge building the Odd Fellows lent the building out for use by the local Methodist church. In 2005 Aaron Lodge was started in Leslie Arkansas. The meetings ...

Category Arkansas
16351 Rineyville Big Spring Road, , , , 40175

Category Kentucky
1 Catherine ST, , , , B1A 1G9

Category Nova Scotia
728 Ave C, , , , 79311-3427

Category Texas
Abraham Simmons Lodge #13
419 7th St NW, Washington, , , , 22204-4291

Lodge Has Closed

Category Virginia
634 E Washington, , , , 47610-0205

Category Indiana
21 Oak St, , , , 04937-4303

Category Maine
Acorn Theta Rho #79
721 SE Barrington Dr, , , , 98277

Theta Rho Girls’ Clubs are for girls between the ages of 8 and 21. The Theta Rho motto is “Happiness through Service”. Theta Rho gives young girls the opportunity for leadership and community service. The girls select their own leaders and annual elections are held to select state-level leadership as well.

Category Washington
302 N Vine St, , , , 47855-0111

Category Indiana
600 North Curtis Road, , , , 83706

Large office building with rental space.

Category Idaho
Kirksville, , , , 63547-9790

Category Missouri
Adamston Lodge #263
Old Rt 50 W Cabell St, , , , 26330-7218

Adamston Lodge #263 is a local chapter of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows (IOOF), an international fraternity that promotes personal and social development through principles of fraternity and community service. Odd Fellows lodges engage in various activities, such as helping the sick, supporting the distressed, educating orphans, and participating in charitable projects tailored to the needs of our local communities. Members are encouraged to develop personally by progressing through lo ...

Category West Virginia
8456 S Adrian Hwy Jasper MI 49248, , , , 49221-2618

Category Michigan
130 E 3rd (Massonic Hall), , , , 64723

Category Missouri
2775 Canal St, Millersport OH, , , , 43147-1040

Category Ohio