

Directory: All Listings 

Results 16 - 30 of 3103 This Category
All Listings
710 College St, , , , 42102-0051

Category Kentucky
44 Berkshire Ave, Springfield, , , , 01105-1245

Category Massachusetts
Ahmeek Lodge #150
202 S Main, , , , 49849

Category Michigan
Aitkin Lodge #164
18 2nd St. NW, , , , 56431

Lodge Has Closed

Category Minnesota
22 2nd St Aitkin MN 56431, , , , 56431-1389

Category Minnesota
Alabama - Grand Encampment
2502 Pleasant Hill Rd, , , , 35587-3112

The Grand Encampment is a higher branch in the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Membership is open to all Third Degree members in good standing. The branch aims to further the work of Odd Fellowship and impart the principles of Faith, Hope, and Charity. In the United States and Canada, membership in the Encampment is open for men and women holding the third degree in the Odd Fellows Lodge. Traditionally, however, the Ladies Auxiliary Encampment (L.E.A.) was formed for women who are members of a ...

Category Alabama
Alabama - Patriarchs Militant
2502 Pleasant Hill Rd, , , , 35587-3112

The Patriarchs Militant is the uniformed branch of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, established in 1885. It represents the highest degree within the IOOF, focusing on ceremonial and fraternal activities. Patriarchs Militant lodges are referred to as Cantons. Sometimes the Patriarchs Militant is referred to as “the Canton”, due to the Canton being the name used instead of “Lodge”.

Category Alabama
Alabama - Rebekah Assembly
2601 Hamilton Blvd, , , , 36605

The Alabama Rebekah Assembly is the governing body for the Alabama Rebekahs. Established on September 20, 1851, the Rebekahs, also known as the International Association of Rebekah Assemblies (IARA), and originally the Daughters of Rebekah is an international service-oriented organization and a branch of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. It was initially designed as the female auxiliary of the IOOF but now allows both female and male members.

Category Alabama
Alabama Lodge #1

Odd Fellows lodges engage in various activities, such as helping the sick, supporting the distressed, educating orphans, and participating in charitable projects tailored to the needs of our local communities. Members are encouraged to develop personally by progressing through lodge degrees, which symbolize their growth within the organization. Overall, Odd Fellows lodges focus on fostering goodwill, harmony, and mutual aid among people.

Category Alabama
Alamo Theta Rho #36
6720 S Flores, , , , 78254

Theta Rho Girls’ Clubs are for girls between the ages of 8 and 21. The Theta Rho motto is “Happiness through Service”. Theta Rho gives young girls the opportunity for leadership and community service. The girls select their own leaders and annual elections are held to select state-level leadership as well.

Category Texas
1400 1st St, , , , 88352-2454

Category New Mexico
738 E 5th SE,Albany, , , , 97321-2840

Category Oregon