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Results 46 - 60 of 3103 This Category
All Listings
835 Ferry St, , , , 94553-0066

Category California
Alianza Lodge #36
Ave. Céspedes #219 / Pinillos y Cossios, , , , 42110

Odd Fellows Alianza Lodge #36 is located at Ave. Céspedes #219, intersecting Pinillos y Cossios, in Cárdenas, Matanzas, Cuba.

Category Matanzas
301 NW 2nd St, , , , 98620-1540

Category Washington
5830 Dunlap Creek Road, , , , 24426

Alleghany Lodge #23 meets the first Monday of the month (unless holiday, then 2nd Monday) at their farm/retreat located 11 miles south of the Covington Post Office on Rt. 159, driveway on your right. If the driveway is missed, a landmark would be Dunlap Vol. Fire Department. Driving "from" Covington, if you arrive at the DVFD, turn around and drive 1/2 mile back towards Covington. Odd Fellows driveway would NOW be on your left. Alleghany Lodge #23 is a local chapter of the Independent Order o ...

Category Virginia
IOOF BLodge, Hwy 40 E, , , , 41224-0601

Category Kentucky
313 N State St, , , , 48801-2231

Category Michigan
Alma Lodge #523
442 Main Street, , , , 15901

Alma Lodge #523 has been active in the Johnstown community since 1856. Located in historic Alma Hall, which survived the Johnstown Flood of 1889, Alma Lodge supports a variety of organizations and events in the Johnstown area. We also provide a variety of activities for our members and their families. We invite all brothers and sisters traveling through our area to join us for a meeting or stop by for a tour.

Category Pennsylvania
14046 Rancho Rd, Wesstminister, , , , 92684-0695

Category California
405 Columbia St SW, , ,

Category Washington
IOOF Temple Main St Wyoming ON, , , , N7T 7Y6

Category Ontario
Alpha Lodge #92
Windsor Park United Church (No mail to this address), , , , R3R 3V5

Category Manitoba
Alpha Theta Rho #1
201 2nd St, , , , 81520-7949

Theta Rho Girls’ Clubs are for girls between the ages of 8 and 21. The Theta Rho motto is “Happiness through Service”. Theta Rho gives young girls the opportunity for leadership and community service. The girls select their own leaders and annual elections are held to select state-level leadership as well.

Category Colorado
1068 Buskill Center Rd, , , , 18353-8000

Category Pennsylvania
Alvarez Del Portal Lodge #285
1516 Kerrigan Ave, , , , 07087

Alvarez Del Portal Lodge #285 is a local chapter of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows (IOOF) and promotes personal and social development through fraternity and community service. Please contact us for more information or if you would like to become a member.

Category New Jersey