The Odd Fellows began their journey in Virginia on May 4th, 1833 with the establishment of Virginia Lodge #1 in Harpers Ferry, Virginia. At that time there was not a Grand Lodge of Virginia yet, so this lodge was under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of the United States (now referred to as the Sovereign Grand Lodge) for the first few years. On May 17th, 1837, the Grand Lodge of Virginia was formally established and took jurisdiction over all lodges within Virginia. In 1863, when West Vir ...
Lodge Has Closed
Alleghany Lodge #23 meets the first Monday of the month (unless holiday, then 2nd Monday) at their farm/retreat located 11 miles south of the Covington Post Office on Rt. 159, driveway on your right. If the driveway is missed, a landmark would be Dunlap Vol. Fire Department. Driving "from" Covington, if you arrive at the DVFD, turn around and drive 1/2 mile back towards Covington. Odd Fellows driveway would NOW be on your left. Alleghany Lodge #23 is a local chapter of the Independent Order o ...
Lodge Has Closed
We are a co-ed lodge. Small but we are active in our community.
Lodge Has Closed
Lodge Has Closed