
419 7th St NW, Washington, , , , 22204-4291

376 W Main St, , , , 24426-6125

Standarsville Lodge Hall, 606 N Main St, , , , 22973-3425

1015 Odd Fellows Rd, , , , 24179

866 E Main St, Bedford, , , , 24179-6244

199 Wilson Ave, Blacksburg, , , , 24060-7329

10002 Marshall Highway, , , , 24817

Bradshaw Rebekah Lodge #86 established by disposition in March 1943, received its charter in October 1944. Meets 2nd and 4th Mondays at 6. #86 Has held an annual Veterans Appreciation Dinner Yearly since 2007, except during the 2020 pandemic. You may contact us through our Facebook.

239-A Main St, , , , 24528

We are a co-ed lodge. Small but we are active in our community.

105 Maple St, Falls Church, , , , 22602-6747

866 E Main St, Bedford, , , , 24501-3446

2311 60th St, Hampton, , , , 22482-3820

Mtn Dale Lodge #49, , , , 24179-6244

Hall of Stanardsville #190, , , , 22973-3426

5th & Main StWarrenton VA, , , , 20187-4406

Rt 198, Cobbs Creek, , , , 22482-3820