



The IOOF Lodge Directory is publicly accessible worldwide. All information provided, unless indicated otherwise, will be made public. All non-public information requested is identified and used solely for internal administration. 


The first few fields are required to provide basic information about your Lodge. Required fields have an *. It is helpful to include a brief description of your lodge, such as how old it is, any events it is involved with, meeting space for rent, and anything else you would like the public to know. Please fill in the other non-required fields if known. There is a sample lodge directory listing here that demonstrates all the features. The description field is important as that information will be displayed in the search engines. You may attach up to 6 pictures to be included with your lodge listing. Besides a picture of your lodge, you can also include pictures of meeting rooms, events, or any other things you wish to advertise.

If you are managing more than one lodge and would like to submit a spreadsheet or a list of lodge information, simply Contact Us and we will assist you with getting the information to us. Once received, we will enter all the information for you. 


Jurisdictional Grand Bodies have special fields that are marked for their session information. These fields are only for Jurisdictional Grand Body use.


For International Lodges - Please submit your update request in English and also use USA-style addresses. This will help our volunteers provide accurate information and maps. We will try to accommodate your request whenever possible.

Thank you for helping us build this directory. We strive for accuracy and ease of use.


Lodge Name: *Enter your lodge name.
Lodge Street Address: Please enter the address that folks use to attend lodge meetings.
No Lodge Address - Use PO Box for mail: Please enter PO Box information if your lodge address does not receive mail .
Lodge State/Province: Please enter lodge state/povince.
Zipcode/Postcode: Please enter lodge Zipcode/Postcode.
Lodge Number: *Enter your lodge number.
Lodge Street Address 2: If necessary enter street address 2 such as Suite 3 or Second Floor.
Lodge City: Please enter lodge city.
Lodge Country: Please enter the full country name and not an abbreviation. Example - United States not US or Canada not CA.
Lodge Description/History: Provide any information about your lodge that the public may find informative or helpful. This information may include lodge information, services, activies, fund rasing and lodge history.
Lodge Contact Person: Please prove the name of the person to whom inquries should be directed.
Lodge Email: Please provide an email the public may use to contact your lodge.

Providing a way for the public to contact your lodge is very important as it provides an easy way for folks who are interested in becoming a member, or have questions to contact you. Please provide your lodge's public telephone number, email address, or both!

Lodge Telephone Number:
Lodge Facebook: Please provide the link to your lodge's Facebook.
I have included public contact information:*
Yes - I have included a public phone number/email address above.
No - We have no way the public may contact us.
Lodge Website: Please provide your lodge's website:
Lodge Secretary: Please provide the name of your current lodge secretary.
Lodge Status *Using the drop-down please select the statis of your lodge.
Next Session Date - Grand Bodies Only This field is for Jurisdictional Grand Body use only.
Lodge Secretary Email (not public): Please provide the email address of your lodge secretary.
Lodge Type: *Please enetr the lodge type from the drop-down list.
Lodge Monthly Meetings Day/Time: Please enter your lodge's monykly meetings days, times and any other helpful information.
Next Session Location - Grand Bodies Only This field is for Jurisdictional Grand Body use only.

Lodge Pictures (Lodge Building, People, Events, Rentals, ETC):

Please upload a picture of your lodge.

You may upload up to a total of 6 pictures to be included with your lodge listing. This is a good opportunity to post pictures of all the great things your lodge is doing. These pictures may include lodge activities and history, community programs such as Bingo or other fundraising activities, or maybe even pictures of your lodge's rental spaces. Remember that your lodges listing will be indexed by search engines like Google and A.I. bots like ChatGPT.  We hope you use this opportunity to show your lodge to the world.

Lodge Pictures: You may upload 6 pictures. They must be in jpg, jpeg or png formst and under 10 mb each.
Drag & Drop Files Here Browse Files
Comments/Special Instructions
Your Name (not published): *
Your Lodge Position (not published): *
Your Email Address (not published): *