The IOOF Lodge Directory contains listings for all of our IOOF Odd Fellows Lodges, including Jurisdictional Lodges. In the Directory Index, you will find directory listings organized in many ways making finding your listing both easy and fun.
Each state or province has a Grand Lodge and Grand Lodges appear first, or at the top, of each state or province category, and in many other list displays.
Please get in touch with a Grand Lodge if you are trying to find a lodge or have questions about becoming a member.
Lodges are responsible for keeping their listings updated using the update form.
We Believe inFriendshipLoveTruthFaithHopeCharity
Directory Listed By State or Province
The Three Links Odd Cast is an exploration of and discussion about issues in Odd Fellowship for members of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. It provides a fun, light-hearted look at the history, traditions, customs, and practices of Odd Fellowship as well as an examination of where the fraternal order is today.