Results 1 - 15 of 76
4th Tues @ 7:30pm
Alleghany Lodge #23 meets the first Monday of the month (unless holiday, then 2nd Monday) at their farm/retreat located 11 miles south of the Covington Post Office on Rt. 159, driveway on your right. If the driveway is missed, a landmark would be Dunlap Vol. Fire Department. Driving "from" Covington, if you arrive at the DVFD, turn around and drive 1/2 mile back towards Covington. Odd Fellows driveway would NOW be on your left. Alleghany Lodge #23 is a local chapter of the Independent Order o ...
First Monday of the Month, 6:30 PM
4th Mon 7:30pm
1st & 3rd Tues 7:30 pm/8pm EDST
1st Fri 6pm
2nd & 4thThurs 7:30pm
We are a co-ed lodge. Small but we are active in our community.
1st & 3rd Tuesdays 6:30 PM
3rd Sat 11am
4th Mon 7pm
1st Fri 7:30pm
4th Thurs 6:45pm
1st Monday 8pm each month
2nd & 4th Mon
1st & 3rd Mon