

Directory: Recently Updated Listings 

Results 51 - 60 of 60
Canton Francis #18
111A North Street West, , , , 25271

The Patriarchs Militant (PM) is the uniformed branch of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, established in 1885. It represents the highest degree within the IOOF, focusing on ceremonial and fraternal activities. Patriarchs Militant lodges are referred to as Cantons. Sometimes the Patriarchs Militant is referred to as “the Canton” because Canton is the name used instead of “Lodge”.

Category West Virginia
Wisconsin Lodge #14
22 N Main Street, , , , 53545-3040

Wisconsin Lodge #14 stands in the center of Downtown Janesville, since 1888 it has occupied the IOOF block, with its distinctive sign hanging from the second-floor windows.

Category Wisconsin
826 Gringnon St., , , , 54301

Assisted Living Center

Category Wisconsin
155 E. Main St., , , , 53818

Category Wisconsin
Mississippi Valley Lodge #86
416 Odd Fellows Lane, , , , 55350

We are an active lodge in South Eastern Minnesota. Our lodge has members from all over the surrounding area. We are currently looking for members that want to serve the area and make the world a better place through Friendship, Love, and Truth. If you are interested reach out to us through our E-mail or Facebook Page.

Category Minnesota
Jurisdictional Lodge #500
PO box 427, , , , 54301

Jurisdictional Lodge #500 is a local chapter of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows (IOOF), an international fraternity that promotes personal and social development through principles of fraternity and community service. Odd Fellows lodges engage in various activities, such as helping the sick, supporting the distressed, educating orphans, and participating in charitable projects tailored to the needs of our local communities. Members are encouraged to develop personally by progressing thr ...

Category Wisconsin
Jurisdictional Encampment #300
PO Box 427, , , , 53537-0427

The Jurisdictional Encampment #300 is a higher branch in the Independent Order of Odd Fellows whose aim is to further the work of Odd Fellowship and impart the principles of Faith, Hope, and Charity.

Category Wisconsin
Hayward Lodge #333
10558 Main St., , , , 54843

Hayward Lodge #333 is a local chapter of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows (IOOF), an international fraternity that promotes personal and social development through principles of fraternity and community service. Odd Fellows lodges engage in various activities, such as helping the sick, supporting the distressed, educating orphans, and participating in charitable projects tailored to the needs of our local communities. Members are encouraged to develop personally by progressing through lo ...

Category Wisconsin