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2nd Mon 7:30pm
Flour City Lodge #118 merged with St. Paul Lodge #2 on 6/28/2023.
3rd Monday of each month at 7:00 PM
1st & 3rd Thurs 6:30pm
1st & 3rd Tue 6pm
Tues 8pm except July and Aug.
WINNEBAGO CITY #30 ODD FELLOWSHIP was chartered in 1871. The first Odd Fellow lodge in Minnesota was in Stillwater in 1849. The first 5 lodges were located and established the Grand Lodge of Minnesota on May 4, 1853. From those first few lodges, Odd Fellowship continued to spread into the new communities as Minnesota continued to grow. The Sioux Railroad rolled into Winnebago City in 1870 and allowed an influx of people. Winnebago City #30 was instituted January 13, 1871, and has met ...
1st and 3rd Thursday/6:30 p.m. except Jan/Feb.
Lodge Has Closed
Lodge Has Closed