

State Province: MN

223 S Main St, Pine Island, , , , 55960-2180

Category Minnesota
St. Paul Lodge #2
1898 Iglehart Ave., , , , 55104

Flour City Lodge #118 merged with St. Paul Lodge #2 on 6/28/2023.

Category Minnesota
140 Main St S, Winnebago, , , , 56098-0404

Category Minnesota
IOOF 109 Hassan Valley, , , , 55382-2929

Category Minnesota
Sr Community Blvd, Paynesville, , , , 56362-0193

Category Minnesota
943 3rd Ave, , , , 56101-3268

Category Minnesota
140 S Main, , , , 56098

WINNEBAGO CITY #30 ODD FELLOWSHIP was chartered in 1871. The first Odd Fellow lodge in Minnesota was in Stillwater in 1849. The first 5 lodges were located and established the Grand Lodge of Minnesota on May 4, 1853. From those first few lodges, Odd Fellowship continued to spread into the new communities as Minnesota continued to grow. The Sioux Railroad rolled into Winnebago City in 1870 and allowed an influx of people. Winnebago City #30 was instituted January 13, 1871, and has met ...

Category Minnesota
Zenith Rebekah Lodge #122
104 Old Hwy 61 N Hinckley MN, , , , 55037-0067

Lodge Has Closed

Category Minnesota