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Odd Fellows
Odd Fellows lodges engage in various activities, such as helping the sick, supporting the distressed, educating orphans, and participating in charitable projects tailored to the needs of our local communities. Members are encouraged to develop personally by progressing through lodge degrees, which symbolize their growth within the organization. Overall, Odd Fellows lodges focus on fostering goodwill, harmony, and mutual aid among people.
WINNEBAGO CITY #30 ODD FELLOWSHIP was chartered in 1871. The first Odd Fellow lodge in Minnesota was in Stillwater in 1849. The first 5 lodges were located and established the Grand Lodge of Minnesota on May 4, 1853. From those first few lodges, Odd Fellowship continued to spread into the new communities as Minnesota continued to grow. The Sioux Railroad rolled into Winnebago City in 1870 and allowed an influx of people. Winnebago City #30 was instituted January 13, 1871, and has met ...
We hold meeting on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm.
We were once Family Lodge #293 but the name changed last year to Winslow-Hammonton Lodge #40.
Wisconsin Lodge #14 stands in the center of Downtown Janesville, since 1888 it has occupied the IOOF block, with its distinctive sign hanging from the second-floor windows.
Lodge Has Closed