Country: United States

116 S Main St, , , , 65360


Category Missouri
Windsor Lodge #187
216 W. Benton, , , , 65360-1104

Category Missouri
337 Windsor River Rd, , , , 95492-0144

Category California
140 S Main, , , , 56098

WINNEBAGO CITY #30 ODD FELLOWSHIP was chartered in 1871. The first Odd Fellow lodge in Minnesota was in Stillwater in 1849. The first 5 lodges were located and established the Grand Lodge of Minnesota on May 4, 1853. From those first few lodges, Odd Fellowship continued to spread into the new communities as Minnesota continued to grow. The Sioux Railroad rolled into Winnebago City in 1870 and allowed an influx of people. Winnebago City #30 was instituted January 13, 1871, and has met ...

Category Minnesota
326 Washington St, , , , 52101-1441

Category Iowa
IOOF Hall, 3200 E Main St, , , , 06706-2233

Category Connecticut
Winslow-Hammonton Lodge #40
205 Central Ave, , , , 08037

We were once Family Lodge #293 but the name changed last year to Winslow-Hammonton Lodge #40.

Category New Jersey
4729 W National Ave Reinstated 2003, , , , 53004-9523

Category Wisconsin
2654 21st Ave, , , , 54868-9014

Category Wisconsin
Wisconsin Lodge #14
22 N Main Street, , , , 53545-3040

Wisconsin Lodge #14 stands in the center of Downtown Janesville, since 1888 it has occupied the IOOF block, with its distinctive sign hanging from the second-floor windows.

Category Wisconsin
Masonic Temple,52 Maple Ave 3rd/Mar-Dec, , , , 03745-4704

Category New Hampshire
Masonic Hall, Main St, , , , 81130-0094

Category Colorado
1240 D Commerce Ave, , , , 95776-0146

Category California
VFW Hall Bear Rd, , , , 04040-3015

Category Maine