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1stT & 3rd Tues 2pm
1st & 3rd Wed 6pm
Lodge has closed.
Lodge has closed.
Lodge has closed.
Lodge Has Closed
Lodge Has Closed
The Patriarchs Militant (PM) is the uniformed branch of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, established in 1885. It represents the highest degree within the IOOF, focusing on ceremonial and fraternal activities. Patriarchs Militant lodges are referred to as Cantons. Sometimes the Patriarchs Militant is referred to as “the Canton”, due to the Canton being the name used instead of “Lodge”.
2nd & 4th Thurs 1pm Except Jun, Jul, Aug
CLOSED. Merged with Trinity RL #179
CLOSED. Merged with Trinity RL #179
Prosperity Lodge #301 was the second lodge chartered in Wenatchee, in 1901. It later merged with the older Wenatchee Lodge #157 to form the current lodge. Our building was built after World War II and serves as an important community space for the citizens of Wenatchee.
Second and Fourth Tuesday at 7pm
Lodge has closed.
1st & 3rd Tues 8pm
1st & 3rd Mon 6pm