

List Categories and Listings by C

Bethel United Meth Ch, Scoth Hill Rd Thornton, , , , 26374-0102

Category West Virginia
Libby, , , , 59923-0668

Category Montana
Caldwell Lodge #10
517 N 16th, , , , 83606-0596

Category Idaho
Caledonia Lodge #251
131 E Main Street, , , , 49601

Category Michigan
116 1/2 Marion St., , , , 43314-0057

Category Ohio
California - Grand Encampment
345 Mesa Dr., , , , 95006-9546

The California Grand Encampment is the governing body for the Independent Order of Odd Fellows Encampments in California. Membership is open to all Third Degree members in good standing. The branch aims to further the work of Odd Fellowship and impart the principles of Faith, Hope, and Charity. In the United States and Canada, membership in the Encampment is open for men and women holding the third degree in the Odd Fellows Lodge. Traditionally, however, the Ladies Encampment Auxiliary (L.E.A ...

Category California