

Country: Canada

146 Main St, , , , P0R 1L0

Category Ontario
1200 Algonquin Ave, , , , P1B 4Y2

Category Ontario
1272 Algonquin Ave, , , , P1A 2E8

Category Ontario
North Dakota - Grand Encampment
60 Devonshire Drive, , , , R2C 4K7

The North Dakota Grand Encampment is the governing body for the Independent Order of Odd Fellows Encampments in North Dakota and South Dakota. North Dakota and South Dakota have merged. Membership is open to all Third Degree members in good standing. The branch aims to further the work of Odd Fellowship and impart the principles of Faith, Hope, and Charity. In the United States and Canada, membership in the Encampment is open for men and women holding the third degree in the Odd Fellows Lodge ...

Category North Dakota
United Church, , , , R8A 0A7

Category Manitoba
Assiniboine Links 4025 Roblin Blvd, , , , R3J 1P2


Category Manitoba
927 6th Port Huron, , , , 48061-0221

Category Michigan
1200 Speers Rd, , , , L6L 2X4

Category Ontario
Humphrey's Funeral Home, , , , E3L 5P2

Category New Brunswick
Ontario - Grand Encampment
2 Algonquin Tr, , , , L1B 1A1

The Ontario Grand Encampment is the governing body for the Independent Order of Odd Fellows Encampments in Ontario. Membership is open to all Third Degree members in good standing. The branch aims to further the work of Odd Fellowship and impart the principles of Faith, Hope, and Charity. In the United States and Canada, membership in the Encampment is open for men and women holding the third degree in the Odd Fellows Lodge. Traditionally, however, the Ladies Encampment Auxiliary (L.E.A.) and ...

Category Ontario
Ontario - Grand Ladies Encampment Auxiliary
20 Oriole Crescent, , , , L3M 3X3

The Ontario Grand Ladies Encampment Auxiliary (GLEA) is the governing body for the Independent Order of Odd Fellows Ladies Encampment Auxiliary (LEA) in Ontario. Ladies Encampment Auxiliary aims to further the work of Odd Fellowship and impart the principles of Faith, Hope, and Charity. In the United States and Canada, membership in the Encampment is open for men and women holding the third degree in the Odd Fellows Lodge. Traditionally, however, the Ladies Encampment Auxiliary (L.E.A.) and G ...

Category Ontario