The Patriarchs Militant (PM) is the uniformed branch of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, established in 1885. It represents the highest degree within the IOOF, focusing on ceremonial and fraternal activities. Patriarchs Militant lodges are referred to as Cantons. Sometimes the Patriarchs Militant is referred to as “the Canton” because Canton is the name used instead of “Lodge”.
The Encampment branch aims to further the work of Odd Fellowship and impart the principles of Faith, Hope, and Charity. In the United States and Canada, membership in the Encampment is open for men and women holding the third degree in the Odd Fellows Lodge.
We meet every Friday night at 7:30. On the second and fourth Fridays, we have Encampment meetings after the regular lodge meeting. We are on the second floor, above the "Frugal Frog" store and next to the Ripley Library.