Star/Orphans Hope Lodge No. 182, in Martinsville, Ohio, was established on May 3rd, 1851, by J. B. Thomas. The Charter Members were: Caleb Stephen Parker, Samual Hiatt, Daniel Rizer, Jacob Glenn, Levi Pike, John Devis, Chambers Hiatt, Ed Bond, and David A. Thompson. The first officers were as follows Caleb Stephen Parker; Noble Grand, Samuel Hiatt; Vice Grand, Levi Pike; Secretary, and Jacob Glenn; Treasurer. In 1915 the officers were as followed: W. W. West; Noble Grand, Clint Mooney; Vice Grand, F. W. Spencer; Secretary, S. C. Turner; Treasurer, and Trustees: C. B. Clelland, B. W. Williamson, and George Cochran.
We are a Non-Profit Fraternal Beneficiary Society - 501(c)(8) Organization. We are also known as to be called "Odd Fellows". We are also affiliated with Hiawatha Encampment No. 70, in Martinsville, Ohio. And we are a Diversity & Inclusion Lodge.
Meetings are held at the United Methodist Church on State Route 28, and sometimes at Degree Site on Cemetery Road (County Road 60).